Ropepumps.org is an initiative of Rope pump promoter, Henk Holtslag. On 19 November 2008 Henk has been decorated Knight in the Order of the Royal family Oranje Nassau. The decoration was awarded by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs during a special celebration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Henk has worked for more than 25 years on the development and promotion of what we call SMART Techs. Mr. Holtslag has specifically worked on the now famous Rope pump (for which he is often called 'Mr. rope pump'), of which currently many thousands function to provide the poorest on earth with good and nearby drinking and irrigation water. Read more...
Prize For its potential to improve rural water supply and generate income, the Rope pump won a shared first prize at the World Water Contest in Kyoto in March 2003. (Winner: Bombas de Mecate SA , Nicaragua) www.worldwaterforum.org "Este Rope pump es un milagro!” For communal wells it is 10 times cheaper than piston pumps and much easier to maintain. For rural families it is affordable and makes money! -M. Gnecco, Director of FDTA Colombia This website is supported by Kerk in Actie, PRACTICA foundation and Connect International |